As a Catholic school, Christian values are the focus of our curriculum, our school and our community. Our faith permeates all aspects of our lives, and religious education helps our students learn and express the Christian values and behaviours we all cherish. We aim to:
provide students with a high quality and integrated Religious Education program that reflects and promotes Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
embed the school religious education experience in the life and faith of the parish community
initiate an involvement in the life & mission of the faith community by reaching out to the local & wider community
‘walk as Jesus disciple’ through interaction with the parish & wider community
School Liturgies Celebrating our faith through liturgy is an important component of school life. Opportunities for experiencing prayer and celebrating liturgy are regularly provided for the whole school community. Parents and families are invited to share in this celebration.Sacraments:Students are prepared for the Sacraments as part of a class program. There is an expectation of significant parental involvement.Students receive the Sacraments in the following years:Reconciliation – Year 3First Eucharist – Year 4Confirmation – Year 6We celebrate the students’ reception of each Sacrament as an important stage in their faith journey.