
Active and effective participation in Australian society depends on the ability to speak, listen, read, view and write with confidence, purpose and enjoyment. The study of English and the broader concept of literacy is about the appropriate and effective use of language, the use of language as a means of learning and the development of knowledge about language.


The English program aims to develop in students:

  • the ability to speak, listen, read, and write effectively with confidence, purpose and enjoyment
  • a knowledge of the ways in which language varies according to context, purpose, audience and content, and the capacity to apply this knowledge
  • a knowledge of the linguistic patterns used to construct different texts, and the capacity to apply this knowledge, especially in writing
  • a broad knowledge of a range of texts and a capacity to relate this to aspects of contemporary society and personal experience
  • the capacity to discuss and analyse texts and language critically
  • a knowledge of the ways textual interpretation and understanding may vary according to cultural, social and personal differences, and the capacity to develop reasoned arguments about interpretation and meaning



The English domain is an essential component of the Discipline-based Learning Strand of the Victorian Curriculum

  • All students at our school will study a sequential English course based upon the learning focus statements contained within the Victorian Curriculum
  • All staff  implement Fountas & Pinnell for Reading using the developmental continuum to plan foci based on needs
  • All staff use & implement SMART Spelling and follow Big Write/ VCOP
  • THRASS  provides the core structure for grapho-phonic learning, spelling choices and handwriting development
  • Student’s individual abilities are monitored using formal measurements including Oral Reading Records using the BAS kit, and Record of Oral Language
  • Live data based on foci is kept by staff to monitor learning & teaching and ensure learning opportunities are provided that cater for the identified needs of each student
  • Student progress in all dimensions of English is reported in half year and end of year academic reports, as well as during student led learning conversations
  • English activities reflect the topics being studied at school, and are appropriate to each child’s ability, will form a regular component of each student’s independent work regime.